Influencers, Bloggers, Instagram Models, Creators, or whatever you may call them are everywhere.
You may think these are people who share their life online, dropping a few quick ads, and making bank. There is so much more that goes into that profession and there is so much more to those individuals who have chosen to go down that path. These are people who are incredibly driven. They are their own brands and their own businesses and they know it. These are people who are entrepreneurs and they are amazingly talented. It takes a lot of hard work to start from the bottom and create a successful personal brand and become your own business.
To be successful takes a constant presence on social media sites, having a continuous conversation with your audience, and keeping your audience engaged and interested in what they are seeing.
Any business savvy professional will tell you that branding and investing back into the brand are essential for progress, growth, and the success of a brand. In today's day and age, a huge part of that branding is visual in the form of photos. Photos fill Instagram feeds, gather likes on Facebook, and take a website from boring to fascinating. It's important to have photos that reflect the brand and help keep people engaged. It is statistically proven that professional photos are more likely to do well on social media than selfies or other amateur photos. Social media is also all about living in the moment and what is going on right then and there. It's important to have recent photos to keep a brand current.
I have been working with different content creators to help provide them with photos that really fit their brand.
TravEllen Around
One creator I've worked with is TravEllen Around. She's a blogger that explores local businesses around Ohio and finds some awesome places. She's a coffee connoisseur and bookworm thus the photos we took reflected to her brand and vibe she is trying to present. Here are some examples of photos we've taken.
Another content creator I work closely with is #HaylieStory. She writes blogs and is the host of a local travel show called City Surge. Her brand is multifaceted and has really become a pioneer product of North West Ohio. Her brand encompasses everything from daily struggles and travel, to career and local events so she needs a great variety of photos. Many of the photos I get of #HaylieStory involve getting her in the middle of the action but she also needs nice photos for promotion.
“As an aspiring content producer and show host, branding is essential. Laura captures the moment that defines my brand, look and vision which enhances my online presence and helps me relate to my audience at a deeper level.”
Here are some photos we've captured for #HaylieStory and for even more check out my City Surge page!
If you are an Influencer, Blogger, Instagram Model, Creator, or something else that's similar I'd love to work with you. Tell me about what you do and what you need so we can create some photos that will take your brand to the next level. I love showcasing local talent and I hope that I can help showcase you!