
Coronavirus and Weddings: What to Do and How to Prepare

Coronavirus and Weddings: What to Do and How to Prepare

Planning for your wedding in 2020 just got a whole lot more complicated.

Here's what you need to do, in light of the coronavirus, for your upcoming wedding in 2020.

Every Small Business Owner Needs This!!!

Every Small Business Owner Needs This!!!

As a small business owner you wear many different hats. That becomes overwhelming, and at times can even be confusing because you don't know what to do or where to start. Too many times I've put time and effort into doing something for my business only for me to find out down the line that there was a much simpler way to do that same task. I'm here to save you from that frustration! The number one, most useful (not to mention FREE) tool that EVERY small business owner should be using is called Canva!

You're Engaged, Now What?

You're Engaged, Now What?

The First 10 Steps After You Say "Yes!"


Congratulations! You just said yes to spending your life together with your person! The first step on that journey is a wedding and wedding planning can be extremely overwhelming. Don't worry, here is a list of the first things you should do once you're engaged.

5 Best Tiffin Photography Locations for Every Occasion

5 Best Tiffin Photography Locations for Every Occasion

As a photographer, one of my favorite parts of the job is location scouting. I love exploring my community and finding new places to shoot.


A location can set the tone for the shoot. Taking photos in a gorgeous location is an instant mood booster and not only makes your experience more enjoyable, but also creates stunning photos. It's important to find the right location when taking photos. You want to find something that fits the style and personality of the shoot. Not all places look as great in the winter as they would in the fall. As real estate agents would say, it's all about location, location, location!

10 Tips to Find the Perfect Clothes for your Photo Session

10 Tips to Find the Perfect Clothes for your Photo Session

Senior photos are the photos your parents will hang in their house and they will stay there forever so you want to make sure you look good in those photos. To help you find the perfect outfits follow these simple tips.

1. Bring lots of options for outfits.

It’s much better to have too many outfits than not enough. With lots of options for outfits you and your photographer can really decide what outfit looks best with what backgrounds. You also can see what photographs well and choose those photos.