business owner

Why You Should Get A Professional Headshot

Why You Should Get A Professional Headshot

There are many characteristics you should consider when trying to improve your public image. There is a reason that there are euphemisms such as “a picture is worth a thousand words” or “make a good first impression” integrated into our daily lives. Your physical appearance does have an affect on how you are perceived by everyone around you, in personal or professional positions. If you want to present a positive appearance, a good place to start is with professional headshots.

Every Small Business Owner Needs This!!!

Every Small Business Owner Needs This!!!

As a small business owner you wear many different hats. That becomes overwhelming, and at times can even be confusing because you don't know what to do or where to start. Too many times I've put time and effort into doing something for my business only for me to find out down the line that there was a much simpler way to do that same task. I'm here to save you from that frustration! The number one, most useful (not to mention FREE) tool that EVERY small business owner should be using is called Canva!

2020 Here I Come!!

2020 Here I Come!!

2019 was a crazy year for me and one that brought on an incredible amount of growth, many accomplishments, and taken me a long way!